ELSEVIE is actively involved in a number of research, development and technology projects.

SYL Project: Capacity building to the Mongolian vegetable tanned yak leather cluster on bio-leather and bio-leather products (SWITCH/2021/428-657).
The SYL project will provide tools and knowledge to implement the use of more sustainable technologies in the Mongolian yak leather sector.
The project aims to support the Mongolian Vegetable Tanned Yak Leather Cluster to improve circular economy in their production process. The expected results are:
- Reducing the environmental impact of production.
- Improving resource efficiency.
- Adopting circular economy practices, in order to allow its members’ integration into global greener value and supply chains.

The project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” aims to enhance the modernisation and competitiveness of the EU Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear (TCLF) sectors through the development of a sustainable upskilling and reskilling strategy, which is supported by a communication campaign to attract social, economic and political actors.
The project constitutes the first step into a new dynamic sustainable community of diverse private/public actors committed to support skills development and employment opportunities across EU in the Textile, Clothing, Leather, Footwear and Leather Goods sector, which are indispensable to innovate and produce high-added value products.
The project aims to enhance the modernisation and competitiveness of the EU Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear (TCLF) sectors through the development of a sustainable upskilling and reskilling strategy, which is supported by a communication campaign to attract social, economic and political actors.

The specific objectives of the SciLED project are listed below:
- Incorporation of comfort and sustainability in product life-cycle.
- Analysis of the parameters that affect footwear quality with respect to sustainability, comfort and performance.
- To stimulate the collaboration of higher education and research institutes with companies in order to jointly develop new learning and teaching methods centred on learners and real problem-based scenarios, as well as solutions for challenges and problems affecting the footwear sector.
- Utilization of existing state-of-the-art technologies and computer-based tools for the determination of footwear comfort parameters using human biomodels and simulation scenarios.
- Refining and improving the curricula for the professions of Footwear Designer and Production Manager.
- Provision of the produced accredited “educational package” to the allied Universities as complementary material for the enrichment of their current undergraduate or graduate programmes.
- Organization of 5 joint seminars/workshops on five partner countries with 100 trainees/participants coming from the industry and/or universities.
- Organizing a Mobility Action with 12 students and 8 mentors/ staff from partners.
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