Members of the European Confederation of the Footwear Industry (CEC)
European Clothing and Textile Associations
- AUSTRIA: Fachverband der Textilindustrie Osterreichs – FTO
- BELGIUM: Federation de l’ Habillement – FBIH
- BULGARIA: Bulgarian Association of Apparel and Textile Producers and Exporters – BAATPE
- DENMARK: Dansk Fashion & Textile
- FINLAND: Finnish Textile & Fashion, Tekstiili -ja vaatetusteollisuus ry
- FRANCE: Union des Industries Textiles – UIT, European Liaison Committee of Twine, Rope and Netting Industries – EUROCORD
- GERMANY: Bundesverband Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. – BBI
- GREAT BRITAIN: UK Fashion & Textile Association – UKFT
- ITALY: Sistema Moda Italia – SMI
- LITHUANIA: Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association – LATIA
- POLAND: Federation of Apparel and Textiles Industry Employers
- PORTUGAL: Associacao Textil e Vestuario de Portugal – ATP
- SLOVENIA: Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenie, Textiles, Clothing and Leather Processing Association
- SPAIN: Consejo Intertextil Espagnol – CIE, TEXFOR
- SWEDEN: TEKOindustrierna
- SWITZERLAND: Swiss Textiles, Textilverband Schweiz
- TURKEY: TTSIS – Turkish Textile Employers’- Association, ITKIB – Turkish Textile and Apparel Exporters’ Association
International Organizations & Institutes
International Fairs
International Events
Chambers and Organizations
- American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
- Arab-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce & Development
- Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Athens Chamber of Tradesmen
- British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
- Camera di Commercio Italo-Ellenica di Atene
- CCI France Grece
- Deutsch-Griechische Industrie- und Handelskammer
- Economic Chamber of Greece
- Enterprise Greece
- Greek Serbian Chamber
- Hellenic Chinese Chamber
- Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation
- Technical Chamber of Greece – Section of Central Macedonia
- Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce & Industry
- Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce